Make yourself at home

I started this blog almost ten years ago over on the free It was a documentation of my journey as a wife, a new mother and someone who have a passion in making beautiful photo. My photography style is very whimsical and quirky. I am very attracted to light reflections and natural color tone. I hope you enjoy my work.

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Tag Archives: flash photography

Winter Engagement ~ Dorothy and Michael

Dorothy and Michael are from Texas! They had the idea of having a winter engagement in Vancouver while they are in town visiting relative. We decided to actually bring them up to visit Whistler , since it was raining in Vancouver and thus turning lemon to lemonade kinda train of thought. We first visited the...


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Poke’m~Vancouver street food

Combining the old with the new street hawkers Poke’m way- serving the simple oriental snack of BBQ meatballs with toppings that will stir your curiosity. YUM! Grand opening this weekend, at Robson & Hornby beginning Saturday September 4, 2010. and here come the kick ass moto: Forget sausages…. Go for the BALLS!!! I did this...


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Update! for CS4: How to make a college in photoshop using Bridge and Action.!

Well, I forgot to mention how to make the college from last post…(and gotten a few email about it, no less). Here it is: You will have to download the “BnBig pictures” from here . While you are there, check out his other cool stuff as well. I was searching for a way to...


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Lensbaby composor in Wedding photography

Congratulation Michelle and Brad! I rented this new lensbaby for their wedding, but I had reuse my own aperture kit from Erica’s wedding. I must say that after using all 3 model, this is probably the best in control and thus my number one must have item for wedding photography. I shoot about 70 frames...


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