Make yourself at home

I started this blog almost ten years ago over on the free It was a documentation of my journey as a wife, a new mother and someone who have a passion in making beautiful photo. My photography style is very whimsical and quirky. I am very attracted to light reflections and natural color tone. I hope you enjoy my work.

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Tag Archives: Preset for Lightroom

Epiphany at my 1st event gag ~ 2 new preset

count down2 bw-, originally uploaded by Vivian Chung Photography (KJmeow). Strobe: Speedlite 580 on camera ceiling bounce on to the glass plane (it’s a solarium after all) Slow shutter and 2nd curtain synch, I know this is an old capture, but really this photo mean so much to me. It’s my 1st professional gag and...


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Don 2 weeks-23-Edit, originally uploaded by Vivian Chung Photography (KJmeow). I had mostly use my skin tone only preset for baby Don’s photo…I just like the effect, and hey my kid has a dark yellow skin tone..(olive-ish yellow) and with my pasty white skin (blood lost and sleepless night) it seem to be the only...


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Don 3 days old-1, originally uploaded by Vivian Chung Photography (KJmeow). He came out early!! Guess he can’t wait for the planned c-section date. Actually he is about 2 weeks earlier than his due date… We are still pretty tired but excited. Aidan kept telling me that…baby is crying..may be we should go check?...


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