Make yourself at home

I started this blog almost ten years ago over on the free It was a documentation of my journey as a wife, a new mother and someone who have a passion in making beautiful photo. My photography style is very whimsical and quirky. I am very attracted to light reflections and natural color tone. I hope you enjoy my work.

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Tag Archives: pre-wedding

Grand tour pre-wedding~how we spend two days around Vancouver

We did it! Two days, three cars plus a camper van. Three grown changes and good laugh along the way, we had hit every single point of interest that we had set out to photograph!


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Vancouver Pre-wedding ~ Dickson and Helen

It’s an amazing experience to photograph my own brother pre-wedding. Partly because they let me play with new idea and go to new locations. We went to Minnekhada lodge, which we neglect to see the “live bear” sign and did the opposite of what you should do when the mama bear crash our photo session. We...


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New Westminster Pre-Wedding

I LOVE shooting in New Westminster. I think there is no other city in Greater Vancouver like it, green space, interesting building, water and bridge view. No to mention ample parking spaces. Kiki and Ben choose this lovely town as their pre-wedding portraiture locations, and I love working with them.


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