Make yourself at home

I started this blog almost ten years ago over on the free It was a documentation of my journey as a wife, a new mother and someone who have a passion in making beautiful photo. My photography style is very whimsical and quirky. I am very attracted to light reflections and natural color tone. I hope you enjoy my work.

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Tag Archives: photographer on the move

Marco 1st birthday

I met Marco a week before his actual birthday party since he and his parents came in for a cake smash at the studio. Then I get to meet the rest of his family! They are all awesome, everyone had lots of fun at the carnival theme birthday party.


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Red eggs and Ginger party

100 Days celebrations for little baby L I love 100 days party, simply because you get a very relax party where the 3 months old baby are being introduce to friends and family and everyone get to catch up on their life.


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