Make yourself at home

I started this blog almost ten years ago over on the free It was a documentation of my journey as a wife, a new mother and someone who have a passion in making beautiful photo. My photography style is very whimsical and quirky. I am very attracted to light reflections and natural color tone. I hope you enjoy my work.

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Lovely night ~ collection of wedding portrait at sundown

Just combing through my hard drive and this photo caught my eye. It was taken a couple years ago, on Aidan (my then 6 years old) first ever assistant pre-wedding job. It was April, relatively cold and we were losing light fast and I snapped a couple last shot before we wrap. When I was doing post work, for some reason I turned it into Black and White, and then it got forgotten on my ever expanding “export jpg” folder.

Jade Tony Spring pre-wedding-9406The thing is, most of the time when I go out and do a late afternoon portrait session almost always when I ran out of light at the end the last couple shot that I took, will ALWAYS turns out amazing.

2013Feb14-0317-EditSpring Prewedding-481TibbyJackson-4892TibbyJackson-4798TibbyJackson-4897-2Beach, Beautiful Vancouver, By the sea, Engagement session, Engagement session at night, night time session, WaterRussell Helen-161Russell Helen-144
Will and Kaylie-4924Will and Kaylie-4902full spead-0486


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